Derby Kids For Christ

Vision and Aims


Jesus loves the children.  He said to those who would stop them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Mark 10:14).  We want to see this happen in Derby!  We believe that God has a plan and a purpose for every child ...


1) To see children from every home reached with the gospel and given opportunity to respond to Jesus.  

2) The mobilization of prayer for and with chilldren in churches and schools throughout the city.

3) Children and family workers to be supported, inspired, encouraged and equipped in their task of teaching the Word of God and making disciples of the children throughout the city.


Discovery Squad:  Is our school assembly team, and aims to take assemblies in as many Derby Schools as possible.  We would love to see many more teams forming up to go into their local schools.  If you are retired, or in any other way available, and feel that God is calling you, why not enquire with us?  See the link to this on the Home Page ...   

Prayer:  We have two regular prayer meetings for children's work each month.  See the calendar for dates ...  We would like to see 'Prayer Spaces' in each school of the city (see and we would love to see prayer in and for each local school in the city.     

Encouragement for Leaders:  This has been a prime objective from the early days of DKFC.  It has also been priority to supply quaility training for the children's workers and volunteers in the churches of Derby.  So often people are asked to do children's work in church without being properly equipped.  From time to time, we invite high profile skilled children's workers to come to the city to help in this training and envisioning task. 

If your church is putting on a training event, let us know and we will advertise it and use our network of contacts to ensure that the very best use is made of that resource.  


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